
Choreography Noémie Lafrance
Score Erin McGoningle
Dancers Elizabeth Wilkinson, Mare Hieronimus, Teresa Kochis, Celeste Hastings, Ori Lenkinski, Adi Kfir, Meghan Merrill, Marcy Schlissel, Sarah Donnelly
Beeswax Costumes Noémie Lafrance
Technical Director Spencer Evans
Lighting Design Thomas Dunn
August 18-22 & 25-29, Sept 2-5 & 9-12, 2010
The Salt Pile, under the Manhattan Bridge, 74 Pike Slip at South St, Lower Manhattan, NYC
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Melt is produced by Sens Production and was originally conceived and presented as a work in progress at the Black and White Gallery in Brooklyn in 2003. This presentation of the completed version of the work was funded by DCA, NYSCA, LMCC (through The September 11th Fund and the Swing Space Program).
> Time Out NY 8/12/10
> Wall Street Journal 8/5/10
> The Village Voice 8/18/10
> This Week In New York 8/19/10
> Eye On Dance 8/20/10
> Canoe Entertainment Blog 8/20/10
> Wall Street Journal 8/21/10
> New York Times 8/21/10
> Canoe Entertainment 8/23/10
> The NJ Star Ledger 8/25/10
> Dance Magazine Wendy Perron's blog 8/23/10
> Vanity Fair 8/26/10
> Art Observed 9/01/10
> New York Post Hot Picks 9/07/10
> Italian Vogue 9/10/10
> Voice Of America 9/13/10
> Celebrity Flux 9/13/10
> NC Rumors 9/13/10
> Daily QI 9/15/10
> Village Voice 9/15/10
> Flavorpill
> BC Culture
> La Presse 3/08/11
> Poster
> Postcard Front
> Postcard Back
> Melt. A site-specific dance installation by Noémie Lafrance.
in The Visual Artbeat, Limited Edition for Art Collectors, Issue #5, November 2010
Eight dancers perched on a wall and wrapped in sculptural beeswax and lanolin costumes are slowly melting away, progressing in euphoria and exhaustion as if approaching the sun, melting until their souls escape their ephemeral bodies and disintegrate into light.
«You have to see this living tableau to really get its impact and evocative power» Silvie St-Jaques - LA PRESSE